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Showing posts from August, 2018

Don't Judge a Book By Its Terrible TV Adaptation: "The Langoliers" Review

  The latest story I finished was another first-time read: "The Langoliers," one of four novellas contained in Four Past Midnight .  This is one I didn’t have much expectation about going in, since it doesn’t seem to be one of King’s most talked-about stories.  I had been aware of the horrendous 90s TV miniseries of course.  I haven't seen the thing in full; only parts, thank God.  But would a bad adaptation ever put me off to reading a King story?  Certainly not.  Some of King’s absolute best novels have been given deplorable treatment when adapted for TV, so as far as I’m concerned, that is hardly a deal-breaker.     Having read the novella, I think it's a shame about the miniseries, because the story itself is definitely an intriguing and exciting one.  King is working with a great premise here.  It’s a story with such an audacious set-up that you get both thrilled and worried about what’s to come.  Thrilled, because right out of the gate King presen