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Showing posts from April, 2018

Duma Key: Where "Broken People Are Special People" and Stephen King Does What He Does Best

  One of the coolest and most noteworthy things about Stephen King’s writing is just how many great books he’s written.   That statement probably sounds obvious, given his popularity, reputation, and the lengthy span of his professional career.   But what I mean to get at is that King has written a substantial number of great books that don’t spring immediately to mind.   He has produced a fair number of “gems” that are far less discussed or lauded than stuff like Carrie, The Stand, Pet Sematary, The Shining , etc.   A lot of authors have a relatively small number of great books to their names, and that’s nothing to shake a stick at.   But one of the pleasures in exploring King’s literary oeuvre is that you keep finding yourself impressed by books you might not have expected.   I recently had this experience with Duma Key .   This was a first read for me.   My essential, immediate reaction is that it’s a book which holds true to my sense that King’s more recent writing is n

The Best of the Best (2018 Edition): Top Ten Novels

Soon I’ll be posting my thoughts about the King novel I’m currently reading.   I’m just about finished; I have less than a hundred pages to go.   It’s definitely a good one, so I’ll be eager to share my thoughts on it. In the meantime, given that it’s been so long since I posted anything, I figured I’d share my current top ten list of King novels.   I wanted to do this somewhat early on in my blogging journey, thinking it might be neat to see how the list evolves over time as I continue reading King’s books.   This isn’t necessarily a list of my “favorite” King novels, but rather my attempt to identify those I think are his “best.”   This kind of task is notoriously difficult, particularly when you are a fan of the work you’re assessing.  I also realize it's a silly exercise.  But what can I say?  I love lists, and it's fun to make them!  At any rate, after much debate, this is my attempt to highlight the novels I consider to be King's most essential. My lis